Tuesday 2 October 2012

Equality : Poor but Honest

Guru Nanak belived in equality and treating people the same , ignoring the fact that they may be rich or poor. Here is a famous story about Guru Nanak which tells you all about this:

One day Guru Nanak and his followers arrived at a village called Emnabad. The Guru stopped outside a hut and knocked on the door. A poor but honest man called Lallo answered the door and invited them in.

He hurriedly spread a mat on the floor and apologised for having no table and chairs. "That is no problem we feel comfortable sitting on the floor, thank you" replied the Guru. Lalo offered them only simple refreshments as he was so poor. Guru Nanak accepted them gratefully and enjoyed eating them with Lalo.

In the same village lived a rich banker named Malik Bhago. He was a mean and a proud person. He was holding a feast to show others how rich he was. Knowing Nanak was in the village, he invited him too. At first Guru refused but when Malik asked again and the Guru accepted. On the Guru's arrival, Malik asked rudely "what was so good about that poor man's hut that you refused to come to my mansion". "I believe that we are all children of God therefore I love every one equally" replied the Guru. “Huh, empty words” replied Malik Bhago.

When everyone started to eat, the Guru took a peace of bread from the poor man’s house in one hand and another piece of bread from Malik Bhago’s table in his other hand.Then the Guru squeezed both his hands. Drops of milk came out of the poor man's bread and blood oozed out of the rich man's bread. “What is this magic?” cried Malik Bhago. “This is no magic, Malik Bhago. This is the truth,” Guru Nanak announced. “The poor man has earned his food by honest means, but you have used harsh methods to get your food. You have been very cruel to your servants and tenants. That is why milk came from the humble man’s bread and why, due to your wickedness and greed, blood dripped from your bread.”

Malik Bhago understood the message and begged for forgiveness.

"Be kind to your workers. The blessings of the needy help you to go to heaven.” Malik Bhago agreed and changed his ways and earned the love and respect of all the villagers.

Now a Guru!

Guru Nanak Is Now the first Guru of the Sikh religion. He teaches about Equality to everyone, whether they are of the same religion or not. Guru  Nanak regualary gives to the poor, one time he gave away all his belongings to help poor and unfortuanate people. Since Becoming a Guru the hometown of Nanak has been re-named in his honour.


Guru Nanak Has re-appeared! He Said He has been with God and God told him to remember that everyone is equal . He is Now Going to leave the family and go and become a Guru. His Message Being that men and Women are equal to each other.


STOP PRESS! Nanak Has Disappeared!

During His usual Trip down to the river in the morning Nanak Has Disappeared! He has now been Missing for 3 Days now and nobody have seen or found him. His clothes have been found on the river bed and there are suspicians that he has drowned.

We have Talked To Nanak's sister who said that she is sure that he will Return.

We will Keep you updated...........

Nanak's Family

Since our last post, Nanak has got married to Mata Sulakhni and she has recently given birth to two sons, Sri Chand and Lakhmi Chand. His family have always been very supportive, (remember Nanak's sister?) and still support him on his journey to God. 

Nanak goes to school!

The baby we told you about in our last post is now 7! Doesn't time fly!? The child, Nanak, started school a month ago. His parents are saying that he'd rather stay at home to be close to God than go to school. He keeps asking awkward questions such as 'What holds up the sky?'. He is very bright and philosophical for his age. He goes to learn with the priest where he finds out how much he loves God.

Guru Nanak Is Born - A Special Baby

A Hindu family has just had a baby! People say, that when he was born he did not cry, he just smiled. Also, there was light around his head. Plants burst into flowers and instruments started to play by themselves. His parents asked the priest about it, and he said that the boy would grow up to become a Guru or King. His parents hoped that he'd bcome a king, but his sister thought that he'd become a Guru. What do you think?

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Guru Nanak

Guru Nanak Was the first Guru of the Sikh religion. The Sikh religion is the Most recent of the 6 main religions. His Hometown was renamed after him as he was so important, Read the Posts to find out why! :)

Welcome! :)

Hi! Welcome to your instant guide to Sikhism and Guru Nanak!

We are Connie and Amber and we are doing a Sikhism project at school, we hope this guide helps you if your struggling at Sikhism! Feel Free to ask us questions! :)